
We uphold a high expectation for all students to which they are held accountable. This is because we believe that a No Limits approach to learning and discipline will allow every individual student to achieve what they are capable of.

Recent statistics from the academy show that expert learners on average, are highly likely to achieve 2 grades above their predicted grades. We will not allow attitude to be a barrier to academic success.

You can support us in having no limits expectations by:

  1. Encouraging prompt arrival to the Academy
  2. Ensuring students are fully equipped and in the correct uniform
  3. Talk about the importance of full concentration in class
  4. Support our courteous corridors programme in order to keep our corridors safe and to keep lessons undisturbed.
  5. Encourage students to raise concerns through the fair deal

These expectations are set out in our Home School Agreement that is signed at the beginning of Year 7.


In order to follow our curriculum principles, especially to have no limits of our students and to teach respect we have expectations.
It is vital our expectations are consistently met by all students and supported at home.

We have rules and expectations for a number of reasons:

1.To help students learn and to prevent disruption to learning
2.To keep people safe at all times, to keep people free from mental and physical harm
3.To uphold standards, reputation and present a positive picture of all of our students
4.To protect our Academy environment 
5  Prevent time and money from being wasted and taken away from
5.To prevent bullying and prejudice 
6. To prevent any pressure from fashions/fads

Our home school agreement sets out how the entire academy will work together to bring the best possible outcomes for every child.

 Parents/carers/families will uphold our curriculum principles at all times:

  • No limits: Discuss academy work, support practice booklets and revision and always support a no limits approach. Support our drive for expert learners with support for reading, attendance, punctuality and uniform.
  • Respect: Treat Academy staff and students in a respectful manner. Support all Academy policies.
  • Support: Support through checking information in planners, attending meetings and by attending open events and Parents’ Evenings. Support by informing us on the first day, any reason for absence.
  • Broadening Horizons: Engage with the practice booklets, support all subjects and encourage attendance at events, intervention and clubs.
  • Community: Engage with the methods of feedback to help us improve the Academy.

Students will uphold our curriculum principles at all times:

  • No limits: Endeavour to reach your potential in lessons, conduct, practice, attendance, punctuality and attitude to learning. Be ready to learn with your planner and the correct equipment.
  • Respect: At all times to have respect for others, yourself, our environment and for education.
  • Support: To support others through creating a safe learning environment, being vigilant for bullying and prejudice, by understanding safeguarding procedures.
  • Broadening horizons: To participate in all lessons, to complete your pledges, reading logs and practice booklets as well as to participate in clubs and events.
  • Community: To represent your Academy with pride, to follow the fair deal and engage with student voice.

The Academy will uphold our curriculum principles at all times:

  • No limits: By providing teaching which pushes all students towards their potential.
  • Respect: By having high expectations of conduct and enforcing this at all times.
  • Support: To identify where extra support is needed and endeavour to meet these needs where practical.
  • Broadening horizons: To provide a curriculum which enriches, to provide advice, events and clubs which broaden horizons.
  • Community: To give students avenues to contribute. To communicate with and seek feedback from parents and carers.