Attitude to Learning

Attitude to Learning

At Sirius Academy North, we have very high ‘No Limits’ expectations of our students, both inside and outside of the classroom. It is our aim for the students to leave the Academy with an excellent portfolio of academic grades, as well as being a well rounded individual that has gained access to a range of opportunities as a product of their efforts whilst at secondary school.

We have a distinct set of Curriculum Principles that we expect our students to embody on a daily basis. These principles play a critical role in helping the students model the highest of standards that are essential to becoming a responsible young adult that is ready to enter the wider world around them.

We strive to recognise excellence and do so through our attitude to learning programme. It is expected that all learners strive to become a ‘No Limits expert learner’. If a student does not meet these standards, they will be regularly challenged to raise their aspirations, in order to promote positive actions to take the steps in becoming an expert learner.

Results show that Expert Learners outperform all other students in the Year 11 exams.  This can be on average 3 grades higher across all subjects.

  Expert Learner Advanced Learner Developing Learner Potential Learner
No Limits
Weekly Review My weekly reviews for the half term are fully complete and up to date. This includes the attendance tracker Most of my weekly reviews and attendance trackers are complete Some of my weekly reviews and attendance trackers are complete I rarely complete my weekly review and attendance tracker on a weekly basis
Attendance I have at least 98% attendance as I RESPECT my future My attendance is between 95% – 97.9% My attendance is between 90% – 94.9% My attendance is currently below 90%
Punctuality I am punctual to all lessons as I RESPECT mine and others education


It is very rare for me to be late to any lessons

(98% – 99.9%)

I am sometimes late for lessons

(Between 92% – 97.9%)

I am often late to lessons which shows a lack of    RESPECT for my own and others learning

(Below 92%)

Conduct I never cause any disruption to lessons as I RESPECT mine and others education I meet expectations in the majority of my lessons I often do not meet  expectations in my lessons I frequently disrupt my learning and that of others which shows a lack of  RESPECT for myself and others
Practice Booklet I always record my    practice on the diary  pages in my planner Most of the time I record practice on the diary pages in my planner I sometimes record  practice on the diary  pages in my planner I never record practice on the diary pages in my planner
Broadening Horizons
Enrichment I am BROADENING my HORIZONS by being involved in a variety of                  extra-curricular activities. I am BROADENING my HORIZONS by being involved in some extra-curricular activities. I am BROADENING my HORIZONS by being involved in an  extra-curricular activity. I rarely attend extra-curricular activities.


I always demonstrate my commitment to the   SAN COMMUNITY by     upholding our principles and gaining regular reward stamps. I demonstrate the    principles most of the time through gaining reward stamps. I am infrequently rewarded, due to only sometimes demonstrating the principles of the        academy. I need to improve my adherence to the principles to gain regular reward stamps.