Year 6 Transition
The move from Primary to Secondary Education
The move from Primary to Secondary Education is a massive change for most boys and girls in Year 5/6. All pupils are faced with a number of barriers to a successful transition.
Traditionally the move from Primary School to Secondary School has a negative effect on the attainment of Year 7’s. The nurturing environment of a Primary School and the hard work of the Primary staff enable them to achieve excellent results in their Year 6 SATs. Thus, it is not surprising that the daunting move to KS3 can set them back, a lapse that can take students the first few terms in Year 7 to recover from.
At Sirius Academy North we are proactive and seek to identify potential strategies to counter these barriers and suggest practices that could have a positive impact on pupil progress and attainment.
Year 6 Transition Week Monday 7th July 2025 – Friday 11th July 2025
Week commencing 7th July, all Year 6 students who are due to start at Sirius Academy North in September 2025 will spend the full week at the academy.
During their time here, they will get to experience a range of lessons and meet the various teachers in the academy. We look forward to meeting our new students.
The Academy has a thorough and extensive transition programme that allows all Year 5/6s pupils to make the transition to Secondary Education as seamless as possible.
In the months and years leading up to enrolment in September a number of initiatives and events have been established to enable these students to increase their familiarity with the Academy’s building, staff and ethos.
Attendance and participation at the Academy’s various subject-themed events, sports talent camps, individual Primary School visits, Maths and English SATS workshops, Early Starters programme, SEND support sessions, Transition Week, and Summer School, will only increase the chance for a successful transition.
The move to Sirius Academy North should be viewed with great excitement and optimism. We are looking forward to seeing every pupil flourish and fulfil their vast potential.
We look forward to seeing you all!
If you have any concerns or queries regarding the allocation or transition process please do not hesitate to get in contact with the academy on (01482) 349600 or e-Mail [email protected]
Nadine Peacock
Deputy Head Teacher and Director of Transition