Secrets of Success

Our Secrets of Success are some of the key ways you can support educational success.

Attendance – Good attendance is vital for educational success. At 95% students’ attainment, progress and educational progress begin to decline. 95% equates to 9 days in a school year. Last year those with 85% were, on average 2 grades below those with 95% attendance. There is also a strong link between attendance at parents’ evening and educational success.

Reading – There is also a strong correlation between students’ who continue to read challenging and varied texts and educational success. You can help by encouraging reading throughout secondary school, encourage a mixture of fiction and non-fiction texts. We have a unique library area which allows access to hundreds of texts.

Attitude – On average, expert learners achieve 3 grades higher than potential learners. Those who get the basics right, uniform, attendance, punctuality and behaviour achieve the highest grades and the most progress. You can support by being aware of the Academy expectations and support us in upholding them.

Practice – We become great at things through practice, our subjects are exactly the same. At Sirius North, practice comes in the form of our practice booklets at KS3 and revision at KS4. You can support by helping to quiz and test using the practice booklets as well as checking on the revision timetable at KS4.



In order for students to have No-limits achievement it is vital to practice, revise, and recap throughout each year in the Academy.
Knowledge and skills do not remain over time for students or adults if this learning is not revised well and revisited over time. Practice is vital for success.
At home, students are expected to practice through revision guides and exam questions (KS4) and the online platforms Sparx Maths, Sparx Reader and Sparx Science. Homework will be routinely recorded in student planners, you should expect practice to be set weekly in Maths; English and Science. Students will also have the opportunity to engage in homework projects each half term in a range of subjects to enrich their school experience.
Homework is set on the following days;
Sparx Science – Monday
Sparx Reader – Tuesday
Sparx Maths – Wednesday
These projects can be shown to their L1 teachers or subject teachers and rewards will be allocated for excellent work.
Project homework this Half term: