Careers, Education, Advice and Guidance

Careers Education Advice and Guidance

CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) is designed to prepare students for life in a fast-developing career landscape by providing the knowledge, understanding, confidence and skills that they need to make informed choices and plans for their future learning and career.

Sirius Academy North is committed to providing good quality, impartial information, advice and guidance to every student throughout years 7-11. As an academy we pride ourselves on Broadening Horizons and setting a No Limits attitude to learning and achievement. We ensure that students engage with employers and providers to encourage students to explore their own aspirations, make informed choices and create an understanding of how to achieve their goals and thrive in the careers to which they aspire too.

Our CEIAG programme provides activities appropriate to age and need; it aims to provide students with the best possible foundation on which to base not only their post-16 choices following Year 11, but also their options choices for GCSE subjects in Year 9.

All year groups participate in careers-driven activities designed for their age range, including STEM activities, Masterclasses, Industry Visits, Working Lunches, to name a few. Students are able to experience lots of opportunities to speak to representatives from a wide range of career sectors, universities, colleges and training providers raising their awareness and nurturing future opportunities and the individual’s potential.

Our programme starts in Year 7 through Year 11, and is based on the nationally recognised Gatsby Benchmarks and CDI Framework learning aims.

The programme follows the eight Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance which are:

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

Whilst each career activity may develop a different skill/s, we plan to embed the 6 learning aims of the CDI Framework on a wider scale, across curriculums. The 6 aims of the CDI Framework are:

Grow throughout life

Explore possibilities

Manage career

Create opportunities

Balance life and work

See the big picture

Impact Measurement:

We are consistently reviewing and improving our platform to reflect the developing landscape of industry and opportunities available to our learners. Sirius Academy North’s CEIAG provision and progress towards achieving the Gatsby Benchmarks is evaluated termly, using the Careers and Enterprise Compass tool.

Provision is also monitored through regular feedback from pupils, parents, carers, staff, trustees and external partners.  This feedback is collected in various forms, following key careers activities throughout the academic year.  This is analysed by the Careers Team with actions fed back to the Senior Leadership Team.


Careers Team:

For learners, parent/carers, staff or provider/employers who wish to contact for further information about the Careers Programme or CEIAG at Sirius Academy North, please contact:

The Careers Lead for Sirius Academy North is Miss K Norman and she can be contacted via email or pop into the Careers Office – you can also contact her on (01482) 349600 EXT: 2658.

Miss K Norman, Careers Lead                           Mrs N Nicklin, Careers Advisor

Careers Programme:

Learners of Sirius Academy North are involved in a variety of activities and engagements which formulate a wide-ranging and inclusive programme of Careers, Education, Information and Guidance.

Sirius Academy North nurtures and maintains networks with local and national employers and educational providers to offer all our learners the opportunity to gain a stronger understanding of their pathways to further study and the full range of employment and training prospects.

Sirius Academy North welcomes providers and employers to contact the Careers Lead, Miss K Norman for more information on employer engagement and wider opportunities to work with our learners.

The link to our Careers Programme is HERE