Events 2024-2025
Term 1
16/12/2024Literacy festival For the whole school17/12/2024Gold award events to York, Xscape and Cineworld17/12/2024DEAR event18/12/2024Y10 Life Day, SAN Pan and Xmas Market19/12/2024Y11 Reward Trip
Term 2
08/01/2025Y9 SEND Drop in evening09/01/2025Careers Event – Y9 Aspiring Leaders16/01/2025Careers Event – Y9 Aspiring Leaders21/01/2025Spelling Bee22/01/2025Spelling Bee23/01/2025Spelling Bee, Careers Event – Y9 Aspiring Leaders24/01/2025Y11 Careers Interviews30/01/2025Careers Event – Y9 Aspiring Leaders, Y9 Options Evening31/01/2025Y11 Careers interviews, Y9 Vaccinations03/02/2025Y9 Geography Trip04/11/2025Y9 Geography Trip06/02/2025Careers Event – Y9 Aspiring Leaders07/02/2025Hampton Court Palace Trip – Y810/02/2025International Day of Languages Event13/02/2025Y10 RE Trip, Careers Event – Y9 Aspiring Leaders27/02/2025Y8 Progress Evening28/02/2025Y11 Careers Interviews06/03/2025World Book Day11/03/2025Science Week Event14/03/2025Y10 Life Day19/03/2025Emerald Experience Day, Y7 SEND Drop in Jumper Day20/03/2025Careers Providers21/03/2025Y8 Vaccinations26/03/2025The Great Sirius Bake off27/03/2025Careers Y7/8 Enterprise Challenge, Y11 Parents Evening28/03/2025Careers Y7/8 Enterprise Challenge31/03/2025Y9 Life Day03/04/2025Y7 Progress Evening, Y10 Life Day, Gold Award event
Term 3
23/04/2025Careers HESTA Visit Y10, Y7-11 Awards Night09/05/2025Y11 Crossover Day13/05/2025KS3 Spelling Bee14/05/2025KS3 Spelling Bee21/05/202521.05 –23/05/2025SEND Coffee morning02/06/2025GCSE Exams Start05/06/2025Y10 Parents Evening, Y8 Vaccinations11/06/2025Environment Event17/06/2025KS4 Spelling Bee18/06/2025Y7 Whitby Trip19/06/2025Y7 Whitby Trip20/06/2025Y7 Whitby Trip, Prison, Me? No Way!, Y11 Prom23/06/2025Y10 Geography Trip24/06/2025Y10 Geograohy Trip, Y11 Reward Trip25/06/2025Y10 Geography Trip, Emerald Experience Day26/06/2025Y6 Information evening, Y10 Geography Trip27/06/2025Y10 Geography Trip01/07/2025Y7 Geography Trip02/07/2025Y10 Parliament Trip, SEND Transition Coffee Morning, Y7 Geography Trip04/07/2025Y10 Careers Taster Day07/07/2025KS3 Spelling Bee12/07/2025CAPA Fest14/07/2025Y7-10 London Trip15/07/2025Y7-10 London Trip16/07/2025Y7-10 London Trip17/07/2025Gold Award Trip