Emerald Pathway
Emerald Pathway provides a safe, purposeful and respectful environment for students with barriers to their learning. Through a well sequenced, broad and balanced curriculum, Emerald pathway provides enhanced targeted support to develop the skills for adulthood and to play an active part in the wider community. Students are empowered to get involved and widen their knowledge through inclusion in whole school experiences. Emerald pathway motivates students to challenge themselves with No Limits on what they achieve.
Emerald Pathway is an adapted pathway for students who are unable, at present, to access the Ruby curriculum due to their significant cognition and learning needs.
These students generally transition from Primary school working at KS1 level (or lower in some circumstances). Some of our students already have an EHCP in place whilst others do not.
These students find the transition from much smaller Primary school environments to the large main-stream Secondary school of Sirius Academy North challenging and overwhelming due to their delayed communications skills and levels of social awareness.
Over time in Emerald pathway, students will be supported through the graduated approach to close the gap between them and their peers, enabling them to transition to Ruby pathway. Where, despite progress, there remains significant difficulties accessing the Ruby curriculum, alternative qualifications and certifications are sought based on individual students’ strengths. Students who remain on our Emerald pathway will be supported by an application for an EHCP.
Student Testimonies
“I like that you get more support” Megan (8E1)
“Teachers help me read the questions” Thomas (7E1)
“It is fun and whenever you don’t want to go outside, you can sit in here” Tia (7E1)