All academies are bound by the same Schools Admission Code, the SEN Code of Practice and Exclusions Guidance, as that of other state-funded schools.
The Academy works with the Local Authority to allocate places during the transition from primary to secondary and all in year transfers during year 7 to 11. In the first instance, applications to join the Academy should be made through the Local Authority Admissions team on 01482 300300. For queries about admissions, please contact Student Data and Admissions at the Academy, on 01482 349600, extension 2654, or the PA to the Head of School on extension 2620.
In the event of your child not being offered a place, you have the right of appeal which can be started by contacting the local authority.
To view our admissions policies please follow this link.
Application Criteria
Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the published admissions number (PAN), applications will be considered against the criteria set out below:
- Children that have an Education and Health Care Plan where Sirius Academy North is the named school.
- Children in public care.
- Children with siblings currently enrolled at Sirius Academy North at the time of admission.
- Children of staff currently employed by Sirius Academy North.
- Proximity of the child’s normal address to Sirius Academy North.