CAPA day Monday 14 January

[21 Jan 2019]

On Monday 14th January, we invited year 5 pupils from 5 different primary schools, to come and enjoy a day of performing arts with us for our CAPA transition day. Our theme for the day was Gothic literature and the pupils enjoyed taking part in different activities, related to this.

The children designed scary masks looking at different facial features that would create a scary character. They Performed on a variety of percussion instruments to create a Gothic poem. They Learnt how to play a song on the ukulele. There was also a drama workshop where the children role played different Gothic scenes and finally a dance workshop where the children learnt a dance routine to haunting music.

After the children had experienced all of the workshops, they got to become an expert in one of their favourites and after dinner they practised and honed their skills. They then performed their routines or showed their artwork in a show, at the end of the day. The children really enjoyed learning their skills and coming away with a new talent. The behaviour of the students was outstanding and a great day was had by all.