Cave Castle Hotel and Country Club
Year 11 GCSE Intervention English/ Maths & Option subjects
18th – 20th February 201
Year 11 took part in an aspirational, two and a half day intervention residential at Cave Castle Hotel recently. The focus of the two days was primarily English and Mathematics. All students took part in a carousel of activities including targeted specific intervention to help with the forthcoming examinations. In addition to that students sat previous examination papers following analysis of how to answer an exam question and the key components to ensuring their answers were concise and targeted the actual objective of the question. Students were thrilled with their results following analysis and feedback from the staff.
Student behaviour was impeccable, the hotel commended the students on how well they had behaved and shown mutual respect towards other guests during their stay. Comments on our Twitter feed show just how much the students valued the opportunity to take part in the intervention as well as just how much they had learnt in the condensed time frame.