CCF Visit to the Defence School of Transport Leconfield
The Defence School of Transport at Leconfield held a special event during the half term as a reward to the best cadets from the RLC cap-badged Cadet Expansion Plan units. Around 35 cadets from Humberside and South Yorkshire ACF, Queen Ethelburghas CCF and Sirius Academy CCF visited the camp in Leconfield to take part.
Cadets were able to experience close combat simulations, clay pigeon shooting, paint balling and participate in a demonstration of military vehicles across the cross country course.
The majority of the group had never fired a shotgun before so it was a very exciting yet different experience. Credit must be given to Cadet Bruno Pomerncis (SAN) who cleaned up on the clay pigeon shoot with the best score of the day. A very impressive 10 out of 10!
It was a thoroughly enjoyable event and a rare one which not many people would ever get to experience. It gave the cadets opportunities to develop and stretch themselves outside of their comfort zones.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Katie May Barker, Leon Casey, Spencer Edwards, Ellis Marsters, Bruno Pomerncis, Chloe Smith, Leo Solarczyk, Otriel Tomache, Tegan Watson-Freeman, Dylan Wilkinson for their enthusiasm, good nature and commitment.
The CCF parade every Tuesday 1530 – 1700 at the Sirius West site; North students travel across in the school minibus and return to North site approximately 1730.
We recruit students all year round and from year 8 to 11. If you have any questions or would like to join the Cadet Force, please contact Miss Faulkner (SAW) Mr McNiff (SAN).