King Charles III Coronation – Non Uniform Day (red, white and blue) and FREE themed lunch Friday 5th May
We are delighted to inform you that here at SAN we have a number of events taking place to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III.
To celebrate this event, we are hosting a lunch for all of our students. This will consist of a Coronation themed lunch. This will be a FREE lunch and students will only need to pay for snacks and drinks as normal.
Please click on the attached link or scan the QR to view the menu.
We are also excited to inform you that Friday 5th May will be a Coronation themed non- uniform day. Students will be able to attend school in appropriate non-uniform, wearing either red, white or blue colours. If clothing is deemed not suitable or inappropriate, students will be sent home to change. Students can make a voluntary contribution which will to towards Dove House Hospice Charity.
We look forward to celebrating with students on Friday!