Primary School Y5 Science Day

Sirius Academy North celebrated British Science Week with 100 pupils from our local primary Schools on Thursday 15th March. Pupils had the opportunity to join other children across the country exploring different themes and topics within Science by making use of the unique facilities and resources at the academy.
Miss Kilkenny, Miss Kidd, Miss Alty, Mr Fenwick and Mr Stevens provided some engaging, diverse and memorable activities in Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Throughout the day pupils were given the chance to explore the effects of forces on submarines, develop nappies suitable for astronauts, work with bugs and beasts that escaped from an I-Pad, and gain an understanding of the digestive system, before creating their own poo!… It’s well worth looking at the attached photographs to really understand or the just ask our Y5s!
Thanks to all the Primary Schools that organised for their pupils to attend. We’ll see you all soon! Mr Gordon and Miss Peacock.